Summer Camp and Class Policies
Camp Registration
Visit our website and create an account to enroll in our summer camps. You can select which weekly camp/s you would like to participate. Enrolled students are committed to the entire week of camp. Camp payment is due in full upon enrollment. Please notify us if your child has any injuries or illness of which we should be aware.
Class Procedures
Students should store any personal items in the dressing rooms. Once the studio door is opened, students should enter for class. All students should use the restroom prior to the start of class to avoid class disturbance. Dance classes that incorporate multiple genres (KinderCombo, Blend Classes) will allow time for students to change shoes and minimal attire during class.
Class Days & Times
Class days and times are subject to change. There is a minimum of 5 students per class to maintain class schedule.
Parent Viewing
Studio doors remain closed during all classes. It is not recommended that parents accompany their child into the studio, as it may cause the student or class to become distracted. During these times we ask that all parents drop their students off at the door unless your child is 5 and under. We do have a TV in our lobby where you can view your child's progress.
Enrollment Deadlines
Students may enroll at any time and will pay the weekly camp rate or prorated tuition.
All absences must be reported to the office via email ( or phone (224-223-3160). For the students’ safety, a student who arrives more than 10 minutes late to a group class may be asked to observe the class only.
Dress Code
Students will not be allowed to participate in group classes without proper attire, no exceptions (dress code is listed on the website). Dance students may be required to purchase tights, bun kits, etc. if they are not prepared for class. Dress code for Camps is form fitting clothes and jazz or ballet shoes.
Tuition & Withdrawal Policies
Payment to be made in full with EFT, debit card, or credit card (due upon the start of the session). **3.5% Convenience Fee for debit or credit cards. 1.5% Convenience fee for EFT
Late Fees
Late Fee: $10.00 for every 10 days overdue.
Arseneau Dance Academy is a private organization, and rates are subject to change.
Withdrawal Procedure
If a student enrolled in a weekly camp desires to withdraw after the session has begun, a parent must email the office at to request withdrawal. The email must include the student’s name, class, and the reason for withdrawal. There is no refund provided for withdrawal from a summer camp once the camp has begun. If a student is enrolled in our 6 week summer session they may withdraw during the first week. The student is charged a $50.00 withdraw fee and must pay for any classes taken.
General Studio Policies:
Student Behavior
Students are to address the instructors as “Ms.” or “Mr.” followed by their first names. Respect for the instructors is expected and enforced. Students should be prepared to accept constructive criticism from their instructors in order to gain proper technique and further their progress and arts education. Any behavioral problems may result in dismissal from a class with no refund. Students should also use the restroom prior to the start of class to reduce interruptions and distractions. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated in any of the waiting areas and may result in student dismissal from the studio.
Personal Items
Cell phones and other electronic devices must be silenced upon entering the building. The lost and found is in the waiting room. Summer camp items in the lost and found will be discarded or donated on August 1st. No gum chewing, or food is allowed in the dance studios. Only water may be permitted in a closed container.
Photo & Video
Arseneau Dance Academy LLC reserves the right to use any student images or videos acquired during summer camps for promotional and/or marketing purposes. If you wish to opt out of this please notify the studio before the start of the session.
Pick Up/Drop-Off & Child Supervision
For the safety of students, parents may drop students off no earlier than 10 minutes prior to the start of their camp. Students must be picked up promptly at the end of camp or classes. Parents who fail to pick up their children immediately after class two times in one camp session will be charged a $15 fee.
Weather/Emergency Cancelations
In case of inclement weather, parents will be notified via email of canceled summer camp days. ADA does not offer refunds for classes canceled due to inclement weather. ADA reserves the right to hold classes or lessons even if there is inclement weather.
ADA uses email to communicate with parents and students. If you opt out of receiving ADA emails & notifications, you may miss communications regarding cancelations due to weather, reminders, etc. Parents and students are encouraged to add “” to their list of contacts. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Procedures for Submitting Complaints & Suggestions
If you have a complaint or suggestion you would like to submit to ADA for consideration, please email using the subject “Customer Service.” A staff member will make every effort to respond to your complaint or suggestion by the following business day. We encourage anyone who has a complaint or suggestion to contact the office immediately rather than discussing the issue with other parents or instructors.
Waivers & Agreements (these are signed through the customer portal)
Release of Liability
All students and the parents/legal guardians are aware of possible physical injury that may occur during activities at Arseneau Dance Academy and are willing to assume those risks. It is agreed that Arseneau Dance Academy LLC, its officers, directors, instructors and associates are not responsible for personal injury or property loss. Student and the parents/guardians have read and understand the studio policies represented in the ADA Student Handbook and agree to abide by them at all times.
Medical Authorization
Arseneau Dance Academy LLC, its owner and operators have parent/guardian permission to seek medical treatment for a participant in the event they are not able to reach a parent/guardian. Parent/guardian declares any physical/ mental problems, restrictions, or condition and/or declare the participant to be in good physical and mental health.
Payment Information
Parent/guardian understands that it is his/her responsibility to provide accurate payment information, and to update credit card information and payment frequency preferences via the online customer portal or app.